Joining the British Veterinary Poultry Association
Full membership is open to members of the British Veterinary Association (BVA). Associate and honorary membership is also available following the guidelines laid out below.
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Full Membership:
Full members shall be restricted to persons holding a veterinary qualification registrable in the United Kingdom who are full members of the British Veterinary Association. They shall have the right of voting on all matters and shall be eligible to hold office.
Associate Members:
Associate membership shall be restricted to veterinarians who are not members of the British Veterinary Association, and to non-veterinarians. Non-veterinarians holding a recognised scientific qualification or who can show relevant experience and expertise in the area of avian science or medicine may be accepted into associated membership provided they are directly engaged in research, advisory work or teaching concerned with avian science or medicine. They shall have the right to vote on all matters except those directly pertaining to the British Veterinary Association. They shall not be eligible to be office bearers but may be elected as members of the Committee. Associate Membership shall be proposed and seconded by a Full or Associate member and shall require the approval of the Committee.
:: View Guidelines ::Once your membership has been approved, an administration fee of £60+VAT is payable to the BVPA. Annual subscription rate is £60+VAT payable to the BVPA in January of each year.
Student Members *FREE TO JOIN*
Applicable to UK veterinary students, UK students studying veterinary medicine abroad or international students studying veterinary medicine in the UK.
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Honorary Members:
Honorary membership shall be restricted to eminent professional and scientific persons who have rendered distinguished service to the British Veterinary Poultry Association or to the Veterinary profession. They shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the Committee. They may vote or hold office unless they were previously members of the British Veterinary Poultry Association, in which case they have the rights of their previous membership category. Honorary members are exempt from the annual subscription fees.
Not a member of the BVA? :: Visit the BVA website ::
Not eligible? Email your CV to :: Secretariat :: to seek a proposer or seconder